LiveChat with Micron team members from Singapore and Malaysia

Monday, February 28, 2022 - From 12:00 to 13:00
About Live Chat

When seeking information about a company, it’s relatively easy to find corporate or product-related data. What is typically not easy is finding examples or stories of what it’s like to work at that company.


For this reason we are organizing a live Q&A session with insiders from Micron, so that you can understand what it’s like being part of our team! Whether you are a new graduate, or someone with years of experience, this is a chance to gain some invaluable knowledge to help you explore career opportunities with Micron.


Please, join us on Feb. 28th at 12:00 (SGD time), and we will answer your questions!


We are looking forward to interacting with you! :-)



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Participating Insiders

Marco P.

Talent Branding Program Manager

Top Insider Advice

Just be yourself

Junrong L.

Talent Acquisition Sr. Manager

Yunli Z.

Sr. Program Manager, People Development

Top Insider Advice

Know yourself, tap on your strengths and be courageous!

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