Can't apply for data scientist position (JR71855) using a referal link. I need help
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I have applied for SMAI Data Scientist (JR71855) position without a referral link on 31-1-25. I received the referral link today but couldn't apply using the link. So, I tried withdrawing the application with the hope that I will reapply using the referral link. Current status is declined. Pls help
Sharadananda M. asked a question to Kenneth K.
Category: Application support
Date asked: Friday, February 7, 2025
Last reviewed: Friday, February 14, 2025
Kenneth K.
Country Head of Talent Acquisition, Singapore
Hi, unfortunately, if you have applied for the role without a referral link, you would not be able to apply with the referral link after. Hope that clarifies.
Friday, February 14, 2025
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