Please tell me about the training when you first joined?
Anonymous asked a question to Micron
Category: General
Date asked: Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Last reviewed: Thursday, May 6, 2021
Marco P.
Our training is very well structured. In my case for the first couple of days I had the very basic training (how the systems work, where to find things you are looking for, record your working time etc.), and after that my manager has been working very closely to me for a couple of months, so that I could understand properly every step of the job.
At Micron we love people who speak up, and ask things. For me, coming from a japanese domestic background, this has been a kind of reverse culture shock, as in my previous company people were more on the "quiet side". I think that training is something that never ends, whenever you have a question or do not understand something is good to raise your hand and speak up, that is when you learn new things.
Thursday, May 6, 2021
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