Describe some of the perks of working here?
Anonymous asked a question to Yunli Z.
Category: General
Date asked: Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Last reviewed: Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Marco P.
Might sounds trivial, but from my side one of the perks of working at Micron is our people. I have been working in other companies before Micron and some work environment was actually quite hostile.
The only limited thing we have in this life is time, and there is not enough for regrets. Therefore if you have to spend 8-10 hours a day in an enviroment where you are not happy, in my humble opinion, that is pointless.
At Micron the people I work with are always very supportive, I feel that my job has a purpose, and I feel valued for who I am and what I do, without any prejudice.
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
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