Anonymous asked a question to Micron
Category: Role challenge
Date asked: Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Last reviewed: Thursday, October 14, 2021
Kar Wei J.
The hardest part of my role as Real time defect analysis engineer will be highlighting out issue in real time and identify the root cause who is causing the toggle for line. As a RDA engineer, we are police in the fab, if there is any issue in the line, we need to bring out the issue to the team, troubleshooting and provide clear direction for the team so that the team can implement corrective action timely to protect the line.
With the strong defense system and team work, I am able to take on the challenge and overcome it. Although it is challenging, I enjoy working with people from diverse experiences, talents and backgrounds to provides best-in-class products and services that meet or exceeds customers, statutory and regulatory requirements.
Thursday, October 14, 2021
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